
I'm pleased to make a variety of products and services available to you. Just click to buy securely.

Please note VAT is included except where noted. Where "+VAT" appears, charge on payment page will reflect added VAT of 20%.



Keynote Speaking—£5,000

I'll challenge your group with provocative new ideas for making insane profits from technology.

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Books & Guides

tech radar book

Squirrel's Tech Radar—£10

Assess your tech team in 90 minutes, no engineering background needed. 30 pages.

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decoding tech talk book

"Decoding Tech Talk" Digital Guide—£10

A 10-page guide to decoding tech talk and having confident conversations with your engineering team.

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Agile Conversations book

Agile Conversations (Signed Paperback)—£20

The book that started it all. A signed copy of Agile Conversations by Douglas Squirrel and Jeffrey Fredrick. Learn how difficult conversations unlock successful digital, agile, DevOps and lean transformations.

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Strategy Intensive—£20,000+VAT

One day with Squirrel and your executive team to define company strategy, including assessment, target identification, "negative space", accountability, and actions for execution.

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The Squirrel-Phone—£12,000+VAT

Like the Bat-Phone, but better! Phone Squirrel anytime for three months to get advice, check a decision, review a tech document, or anything else.

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barn owl

Tech Checkup—£3,000+VAT

Spend a morning with Squirrel to evaluate your people, processes, technology, leadership, and product. Suitable for internal use when making strategic choices. Optional one-page summary sent same day (£2,000+VAT additional).

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snow owl

In-Depth Health Check—£15,000+VAT

An intensive, one-day health check on your tech team's people, processes, code, and product. Suitable for investment due diligence, pre-acquisition checks, or internal audit.

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Intense Coaching—£20,000+VAT

We meet regularly for up to three months to work intensely on agreed goals with regular homework and practise. Includes the Squirrel-Phone for immediate, ad hoc help.

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barn owl

Pick My Brain—£1,000+VAT

An intensive, high-energy call with Squirrel lasting up to an hour with answers to your questions on tech teams, communications, careers, products, or anything else.

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squirrel banknote

Squirrel Bucks—£1

A shortcut for paying for Squirrel's services. Each Squirrel Buck is worth £1 of services, so for example for a service costing £1000, purchase 1000 SquirrelBucks.

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